Meaning of the Stratosphere (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Stratosphere is one of the layers of the Earth's atmosphere, located between the troposphere and the mesosphere (11 km to 50 km altitude).

The stratosphere is rich in ozone gas, which is why it is here that the Ozone layer, responsible for protecting the Earth from the ultraviolet rays emitted by the Sun.

The average temperature of the stratosphere varies between -5 and -70 degrees Celsius, being warmer in the vicinity of the mesosphere. It is also in this layer where the greenhouse effect, a phenomenon that is aggravated by the constant emission of certain gases into the atmosphere, such as CO2 (carbon dioxide).

In the stratosphere fly supersonic planes and weather balloons. Due to the rare presence of oxygen gas in this layer, humans cannot survive long periods of time at this altitude without the use of special equipment.

See also: O meaning of the ionosphere.

Figuratively speaking, the word stratosphere is often used to refer to a place that is extremely high and beyond human reach.

Example: "He threw the ball into the stratosphere".

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Stratosphere Characteristics

  • Presence of the Ozone Layer;
  • Where the Greenhouse Effect occurs;
  • Low oxygen gas;
  • Located between 11 and 50 km away from the earth's ground;
  • Stable temperatures and winds;
  • Supersonic planes and probe balloons fly.

Know more about:

  • Atmosphere
  • Atmosphere layers
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