Meaning of Shroud (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Shrovetide is a old celebration what happened to us first three days before Lent, and which was replaced by the current Carnival.

Entrudo arrived in Brazil together with the Portuguese, in 1641, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. From the beginning, all families and slaves participated in the celebration.

Since the Middle Ages, carnival has been celebrated in Portugal, with a series of games that varied from village to village.

In some of these celebrations, there were large wooden puppets, called entrudos, which were responsible for giving rise to the name of the celebration. However, the Shrovetides didn't just mean the puppets, but the whole party itself and the games.

Shrovetide in Brazil

When entrudo arrived in Brazil, it was divided into two types: family entrudo and popular entrudo.

O popular Shrovetide they were the parties held in the streets of the cities and the main characteristics were the water games, where everyone got wet.

family shroud it took place in people's homes, where young people used to throw scented lemons at each other, which later gave rise to the well-known “perfume lance”.

See also the meaning of Carnival.

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