Meaning of Logo (What it is, Concept and Definition)

logo, or simply soon, and the graphic representation of a company or brand name, which determines your visual identity and aims to facilitate their recognition.

A logo gives meaning to the brand in question, identifying and defining it in time and space. It can be seen as an important part of a company's genetic code, which influences its path.

In the business context, it is very important that a company is represented by a symbol that represents it and conveys the essence of the organization. It must be flexible, easy to memorize, not out of style and must be able to arouse feelings in people.

Marked by its color, graphics and shape, the logo aims to establish the positioning of a brand or company in the market or in the mind of its audience.

logo or logo

In the world of marketing and advertising there is an old discussion about the concepts of logo and logo. Some say they are synonymous, others say they are distinct concepts and there is still a group that indicates that the logo concept should not exist.

Many advertisers claim that despite being in the dictionary, the word logo is a neologism that doesn't make sense.

For many people the difference between logo and logo is that the logo is the standard written form of a brand, while the logo consists of the joining of the logo (name) with the symbol that characterizes the brand or company.

Meaning of colors in logos

Colors awaken different sensations in people. This notion is used when creating logos, with the careful selection of colors, which have different meanings.

  • Red: impulsiveness, passion, strength, warmth, joy, optimism, virility;
  • Orange: receptivity, communication, action;
  • Yellow: youth, intelligence, light, sun;
  • Green: life, fertility, tranquility, ecology;
  • Blue: rationality and spirituality;
  • Violet: loyalty, strength, religion;
  • Brown: strength, wealth, density;
  • black: nobility, distinction, elegance;
  • White: purity, wisdom, truth.

Meaning of shapes in logos

The shapes themselves arouse different sensations. O circle indicates evolutionO, tranquility, movement. O triangle conveys an idea of ​​lightness, intelligence, divinity, spirituality. O square evokes a sense of evolution, movement, tranquility.

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