Meaning of Hero (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Hero is the term attributed to the human being who performs exceptional actions, with courage and bravery, with the in order to solve critical situations, based on moral and ethical principles.

In addition to bravery and courage, an act is recognized as genuinely heroic when a person performs or takes a certain attitude selflessly, that is, without selfish reasons or those involving your being, but only the well-being or safety of others.

Find out more about the concept of altruism and what does it mean to be a selfless person.

According to Greek mythology, heroes were seen as demigods, mythical figures who stood out because they were supposedly sons of the gods.

For the Greeks, an attitude based on unselfish thinking and logic was considered “sacred”, exceeding the limits of human abilities and gifts.

In fact, etymologically, the term hero originated from the Greek hrvV, which was later adapted into Latin heros.

Based on this etymology, the hero also serves to designate the protagonist of a story, whether literary, theatrical, cinematographic, etc.

The great Greek narratives, such as the Odyssey and the Iliad, tell stories of important characters considered as greek heroes, like Achilles, Theseus and Hercules, for example.

Also learn more about the meaning of Ethic and moral.

Super hero

Currently, the figure of superheroes are quite popular among people of all ages and all over the world.

Superheroes are fictional characters that were popularized thanks to comics, especially in the post-war years.

Endowed with special powers, the superheroes seen in the comics have a duty to save humanity from all kinds of dangers and enemies. Typically, stories are permeated by the constant struggle between good and evil (hero against villain).

Among the most popular superheroes are Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, the X-Men, among many others.

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