Empower is a verb that refers to the act of giving or granting power to oneself or to others..
From its figurative sense, empowering represents the action of attributing domain or power over a given situation, condition or characteristic.
The act of empowering is considered a social attitude that consists in raising awareness of the various social groups, mainly minorities, about the importance of their positioning and visibility as a means to fight for their rights.
One of the best known acts of empowerment is the female empowerment, that is, when there is the awareness of women to claim socially for equal rights between different genders.
Among some of the main synonymous with empowering they are: empowering, empowering, empowering, investing authority, empowering, empowering, developing capabilities, promoting, promoting influence, affirming, among others.
Learn more about the meaning of female empowerment.
empower and empower
The use of empowerment is indicated in the sense of granting power, either to oneself or to others.
Embracing, in turn, is related to the idea of taking power, dominion or possession of something, someone or a situation.
See also the meaning of empowerment.