Popular Expressions (3)

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Meaning of the Tin Wedding (10 years of marriage)

Tin Wedding is the celebration of the tenth year of marriage. Also known as the Zinc Wedding, this commemoration marks the decade-long union of a couple after their marriage became official. Per...

Significance of the Wedding Months of Marriage

Marriage Months is the commemoration of each of the first eleven months of marriage, with each month being represented by a different symbol. The wedding months wedding also usually...

Meaning of Looking 43

Look 43 is a slang used in Brazil to refer to the behavior of someone when trying to seduce another person, using the look as a form of body language. This slang emerged at the beginning of...

Meaning of Pink Book

Pink book is an expression used by some modeling agencies to designate a catalog of professionals who provide sexual services in exchange for bonuses. The pink book can be considered a...

Definition of Bullet

Balela is a word used in the informal vocabulary of the Brazilian Portuguese language as a synonym for a lie or information devoid of truth. A bullet is also the name given to a rumor or...

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Definition of Supimpa

Supimpa is an adjective in Portuguese that qualifies something as “very good”, “excellent” or “great”. The word supimpa is commonly used as a popular slang in Brazil, mainly...

Definition of Knife in the Skull

Knife in the skull is an expression that alludes to the symbol of the BOPE – Special Police Operations Battalion. The BOPE symbol is known to be represented by a skull with a knife...

Meaning of A picture is worth a thousand words

“A picture is worth a thousand words” is a popular expression written by the Chinese philosopher Confucius, used to convey the idea of ​​the power of communication through images. The meaning...

Definition of At night all cats are brown

“At night all cats are brown” is a popular expression in the Portuguese language that refers to the idea that all things are similar or the same in the dark. Interpreting this proverb from...

Definition of Sisyphus Work

Sisyphus' work is a popular expression originated from Greek mythology, referring to any type of work or situation that is endless and useless. The contemporary meaning of this sentence...

Definition of Pleasing Greeks and Trojans

“Pleasing Greeks and Trojans” is a popular saying that means the desire to please everyone, even groups or people with divergent ideas. When it is said that a certain person is acting to...

Meaning of the phrase Past waters do not move mills

“Past waters do not move mills” is a popular saying used to teach that situations lived in the past do not help to modify the present. This expression, typical of popular wisdom, is...

Meaning of Here it is done, here it is paid

“Here it is done, here it is paid” is a popular expression of the Portuguese language, used in the sense of obtaining justice, with people being responsible for their acts and having to deal with...

Two Weights and Two Measures: Understand What It Means and Its Biblical Origin

Two weights and two measures is a popular expression used to indicate an unfair and dishonest act, something done in a partial way. It is usually related to similar situations that are dealt with...

Definition of wolf in sheep's clothing

A wolf in sheep's clothing is a popular expression used to characterize a person who appears to be good-natured, but in reality is bad, perverse or dishonest. Usually, the individual who is...


Carlos Neto (Social Scientist)

Graduated in Social Sciences from FFLCH-USP (Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of...

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Carla Muniz (Lecturer in Literature)

Teacher, lexicographer, translator, content producer and proofreader. Degree in Letters (Portugue...

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Portuguese language (4)

Context meaningContext is the set of physical or situational elements that help the recipient of ...

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