Human behavior (5)

meaning of immoral

Immoral is an adjective of two genders originating from the Latin immoralis which means an attitude contrary to morality or qualifies a person who behaves without morality. The immoral word is formed by...

meaning of loyalty

Loyalty is a feminine noun meaning the quality of someone who is loyal. It is also synonymous with loyalty, dedication and sincerity. This word comes from the term legalis, which in Latin refers to...

meaning of solidarity

Solidarity is the feminine noun that indicates the quality of solidarity and a feeling of identification with the suffering of others. The word solidarity comes from the French solidarité...

meaning of enamored

Enamorado is a masculine adjective that classifies an individual who is in love, enchanted, bewitched. Ex.: "He is in love". Enamorado is also a noun, when referring to...

meaning of selfishness

Selfishness is a masculine noun that names excessive self-love, which leads an individual to look only at their opinions, interests and needs, and which despises the needs of others. Selfishness...

Definition of Egocentrism

Self-centeredness is the egocentric condition or state of mind. It originates in Greek, being the junction of egon and kêntron, which means "I in the center". Self-centeredness consists in an exaltation...

Definition of sarcastic

Sarcastic is a masculine adjective that qualifies an individual who reveals sarcasm, meaning ironic, satirical or mocking person. A sarcastic person is a person who uses irony in a way to mock...

Meaning of Benevolence

Benevolence is a feminine noun with origins in the Latin benevolentia, which expresses the quality of someone who is benevolent, that is, demonstrates affection and esteem towards someone. Benevolence...

Definition of Kindness

Kindness is the quality of what is kind, what is kind. Kindness is a kindness, a kindness practiced by some people. Kindness is a form of attention, care, which makes...

Meaning of Interpersonal Relationship

Interpersonal relationship is a concept within the scope of sociology and psychology that means a relationship between two or more people. This type of relationship is marked by the context where it is...

meaning of apathy

Apathy is a psychological condition called an emotional state of indifference. It is the lack of emotion or motivation of an individual before something or some situation, having as some of its ...

Definition of Reciprocity

Reciprocity is a feminine noun that means mutuality, representing the characteristic of what is reciprocal. Reciprocity means giving and receiving, so it is an essential condition for...

meaning of pride

Pride is a masculine noun originating from the Catalan term orgull which is characteristic of someone who has an exaggerated self-concept. It can also mean haughtiness, pride, pride,...

Definition of Optimistic

Optimistic is a dual-gender adjective and noun, meaning that person who is confident, hopeful, and positive. It is the individual who is in favor of optimism, and optimism is the disposition...

Definition of Egocentric

Egocentric is a masculine adjective that refers to self-centeredness, relative to the ego, and describes someone who considers himself to be the center of all interest. Some synonyms for egocentric are: selfish,...

Popular Meanings (254)

meaning of sarueSaruê is one of the names given to the opossum ( Didelphis aurita ) in Brazil, us...

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Latest Meanings (253)

Definition of Contract AmendmentContract amendment means adding information to a particular contr...

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Popular Meanings (253)

Definition of FDAFDA stands for Food and Drug Administration, which means Food and Drug Administr...

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