Latest Meanings (318)

Definition of Cc

Cc is an abbreviation for "Carbon copy" which in Portuguese means "carbon copy" or more usually "with copy". The term is used when sending an email when the user wants to make known the...

Definition of CBF

CBF stands for Brazilian Football Confederation, the highest governing body of football in Brazil. The entity is responsible for organizing the Brazil Cup (Men, Women and Under-20), from the...

Definition of scavenging coconut

Catar coquinho is an idiomatic expression of the Portuguese language usually included in the order "Vá catar coquinho!" and which means "go find something else to do" or "leave me alone!". Is...

Meaning of Mother Joan's House

Casa da Mãe Joana is a popular expression that means "the place where everyone commands", without organization, where everyone does what they want. For example: "Get your shoes off my couch! What is...

Definition of Canonical

Canonical is an adjective that characterizes what is in accordance with the canons, with established or agreed norms. Canonical has special meaning when referring to the Catholic Church...

Definition of Camafeu

Camafeu is a semi-precious stone in a gray tone, with two layers of different colors, one of which features an embossed figure, used as a pendant. The cameo stone appeared at the time of Ancient Egypt, in...

Persuasion meaning

Persuasion is the feminine noun with origins in the Latin word persuadere, and consists of the act of persuading or convincing. The concept of persuasion is closely linked with belief and conviction, because...

Meaning of Each monkey on its branch

Each monkey on its branch is a popular expression which means that each person should only care about what concerns them. The expression means that people must recognize their place,...

meaning of byte

Byte (read baite ) is a unit of digital information equivalent to eight bits. The byte symbol is an uppercase (B), to differentiate it from bit (b). The byte is used in general in the areas of computing and...

meaning of by

By is an English language preposition which in Portuguese means by, close to, beside. However, it can take on different meanings that vary according to the situation. Some of the situations...

Definition of Buzz

Buzz means buzz, buzz, buzz. It's a word in the English language. It also means a murmur, a whisper. Buzz is usually lively conversation, or background noise. The term is very...

meaning of cheat

Cheating means cheating or cheating on any system, or cheating or cheating someone. You can circumvent a computer system, a law, among others. Cheating can also acquire the meaning of...

meaning of bureau

Bureau (pronounced "bureau") is a term of French origin whose meaning is “office”, “department” and “agency”. It is an establishment where administrative and...

Definition of Budget

Budget (pronounced badget ) is an English term that means budget. It is often used in business to designate the periodic (usually annual) budget made by a...

Definition of Budega

Budega means food that is bad or poorly made. It's a small store, or tavern. The word budega comes from the Spanish bodega, which means a cellar, shop or warehouse where wine is sold at retail...

Popular Meanings (339)

nebulaNebulae are clouds formed by cosmic dust, plasma, hydrogen and ionized gases, usually relea...

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Latest Meanings (335)

Definition of QHSEQHSE stands for the English words Quality, Health, Safety, Environment. The mea...

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Latest Meanings (336)

meaning of kaputKaput is a slang meaning "broken", "ruined", "destroyed". It is a word derived fr...

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