Meaning of Date of Birth (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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the date of birth it is the day each individual was born. It is fundamental information in any people document. The date of birth is represented by the day, month and year of birth.

The date of birth is registered on the birth certificate, on the identity card, on the certificate of voter, driver's license, marriage certificate and any other identification document of the citizen.

Each individual's date of birth is full of symbologies and meanings. It is studied by astrology, which determines the influence of the stars, especially the signs of the zodiac on people's fate and behavior, and can predict important facts in their lives.

The birth chart or natal chart is a correct representation of the stars and zodiac signs in relation to the Earth, at the time of each individual's birth. This representation is studied by the astrologer.

The horoscope is made up of 12 signs that represent certain periods of the year and each date of birth receives its own characteristics, depending on the position of the ascending star on the date of birth.

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