Meaning of Parliamentarianism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Parliamentarianism is a type of political regime or government characterized by having a cabinet of ministers, which forms the parliament. All projects, laws and other government decisions are submitted to a vote by this parliament, in a parliamentary system.

In a Parliamentary Republic, the president of the republic is responsible for the nation, while the government is in charge of the prime minister, as in the case of Portugal, for example.

already in a parliamentary monarchy, as is the case in the United Kingdom, unlike absolutism, in which the king has full decision-making power over the country's laws, ministers are responsible for controlling the government. The prime minister, also called chancellor, exercises the head of the Executive Power. The choice of parliament, however, is based on a vote of confidence.

In English, the word parliamentarism can be translated into parliamentarism.

Parliamentarianism in Brazil

Parliamentarianism in Brazil emerged in two distinct episodes:

1. From 1847 to 1889, during the period that became known as the Second Reign, where Emperor Dom Pedro II established in the country what was called "Parliamentarismo à Avessas".

2. From September 1961 to January 1963, Brazil went through a great crisis after the resignation of President Jânio Quadros. To try to minimize and solve the problems in the country, the government adopted a parliamentary regime, which was short-lived.

Reverse Parliamentarianism

Parliamentarianism à Avessas is an expression that was adopted to define the parliamentary model that was implemented in Brazil during the reign of D. Peter II.

The political regime took its name from its parliamentary organization, which was completely the "inside" of the traditional English model.

In the English system, the Parliament appoints some names and nominates for the position of Prime Minister, then it is up to the King to choose one of the nominees. However, the king's decision is not final, as the Parliament re-evaluates the choice made by the Crown, making it valid or not.

In the Brazilian case, it was Emperor Dom Pedro II who chose the President of the Council of Ministers (equivalent to the Prime Minister), who in turn set up the "ministerial body", that is, the Council of Ministers.

To avoid conflicts, Dom Pedro II had the habit of changing Council President from time to time, sometimes for a liberal party, sometimes for a conservative party and vice versa.

Parliamentarianism and Presidentialism

A parliamentary regime has all power concentrated in Parliament. Members of a pure parliament can dissolve the executive government if it disagrees with the decisions of the parliamentarians.

The parliamentary system can be used in both monarchies and republics. In this model, the head of state (king or president) has no political responsibilities. This position is occupied by a premier or Prime Minister, who is appointed by the head of state, by vote of confidence.

Parliamentarianism is a government regime adopted by England, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Holland, Portugal, among other countries.

already the presidentialism it is a political model that can only be applied in republics. Unlike parliamentarism, here the head of state (the president of the nation) has full responsibility and political attributions.

The president is elected by the population of the country, through a direct or indirect vote (in the case of Brazil, voting is direct and mandatory). The head of state is in power for a specified period of time, defined in the country's Constitution.

This governance model is adopted by Brazil, the United States, Mexico, among other countries.

Both systems, whether parliamentary or presidential, can only exist in democratic states, whether monarchies or republics. In totalitarian regimes or dictatorships, their existence is not enforced.

Learn more about the meaning of presidentialism.

Characteristics of Parliamentarianism

  • Occurs in Republics and Monarchies;
  • The head of state (president or monarch) does not assume the character of head of government;
  • The head of Government is the Prime Minister or Chancellor, who is chosen by Parliament;
  • Common System in Constitutional Monarchies and European Republics;
  • People choose Congress (through voting).

Learn more about absolutism and some of your features.

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