Typology and the science who studies the types, intuitive and conceptual difference of model or basic shapes. The typology is widely used in the area of systematic studies, for to define many different categories.
This is a term that can cover many areas, because many sciences and knowledge areas need a method of categorization. Typology can be related to typography, theology, architecture, archeology, psychology, among many others.
At archeology, typology is a scientific method that studies the objects that are found in excavations (ceramics, metal parts, lithic and bone industries, etc.), and classifies it quantitatively (according to size and quantity) and qualitative (according to morphology, raw material, manufacturing techniques, etc.).
Typology is also a branch of psychology, similar to differential psychology, which studies the relationship between physical constitution and temperament. The best known typologies are that of Kretschmer (1921), who studies the correlations between somatic types and mental illnesses, and that of Sheldon (1927), who distinguishes three body types.
Within the scope of architecture typology consists in the study of elementary types that can form a norm belonging to architectural language.
The landscape typology is the study of the context of natural and economic-cultural factors that influence a landscape, in order to classify them by type. The basic, non-autonomous unit of a hierarchically articulated meadow is the ecotype.
Typology and Typography
In the context of graphic arts, typology concerns the typographic character. Thus, typology concerns the type or format of the letters that make up a text. It can refer to the font used to type text, for example: times new roman, comic sans, verdana, arial, etc.
Biblical Typology
Biblical typology is a theory that asserts that an Old Testament person, thing or event has a symbolic meaning, prefiguring a reality that manifests itself in the New Testament. So, for example, Adam is the figure of Christ (the new Adam); the flood represents baptism; the manna, the Eucharist, etc.
Typology and textual genres
Textual typology concerns the way a given text is presented. The typological aspect of a text concerns the purpose for which the text was written. Thus, the different textual typologies are: narration, dissertation, description, information and injunction.
Textual typology is often confused with textual genre. A textual genre is a more specific example of a discursive modality, which itself has a typological aspect. Advertisements, chronicles, editorials, instructions for use, fables, letters, are just a few examples of textual genres.
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