Competitive Games are those where there are winners and losers. Your main purpose is to encourage fair competition among participants and learn to deal with wins and losses.
It is important to develop the educational face of games, teach children and teenagers who lose or winning is part of the game and not the most relevant thing, but getting everyone to work towards a goal in ordinary.
In competitive games, different skills of competitors must be encouraged. Intellectual games, games that stimulate reflexes, strategy games, sports, among others, are good opportunities to develop different skills.
Even in competitive games, competition should be avoided as the only motivation. Competitive games can be educational when worked on their relationship with ethical values, fair play (fair play) and avoiding overvaluation of winners and losers.
The objective is to encourage not only competitiveness, but especially reasoning and respect for the rules. In the case of team games, also collaboration and teamwork.
One of the risks of competitive games is to lead individuals into a climate of rivalry. The game can only focus on victory, thus causing a high level of anguish, aggressiveness and the exclusion of participants understood as less able.
Examples of competitive games
Competitive games are all those in which there is a fight for victory. Some examples of competitive games are:
- Chess
- ladies
- Hash
- Stop, adella/adedanha
- burnt/burnt
- Pike games (pick-and-kick, pike-flag, pick-and-seek, etc.)
- Playing cards (truco, swedish, hole, outside hearts, etc.)
- Sports (volleyball, football, basketball, table tennis, judo, etc.)
See too more examples of competitive games.
What are Cooperative Games
As opposed to competitive games, where participants must compete with each other to succeed, in cooperative games, everyone must collaborate with each other so they can be champions..
Group dynamics are the basis of cooperative games, which aim to raise awareness of cooperation among participants, the feeling of solidarity and support among people.
Competitive game participants view other players as adversaries, while people involved in cooperative games relate other players to partners.
Learn more about the meaning of Cooperative Games and see examples of cooperative games.