blue light is a kind of light emitted in blue color, normally used in color therapy sessions.
In chromotherapy sessions, blue light would have the ability to relax, conveying a feeling of peace, well-being and tranquility to the exposed person.
This color, supposedly, would be responsible for the reduction of blood pressure that, consequently, would cause an analgesic and relaxing effect.
Learn more about the meaning of color therapy.
However, there are studies that claim that excessive exposure to blue light is quite harmful to health.
The light that is emitted by electronic devices such as smartphones, computers and tablets, for example, according to some researchers, would be responsible for the loss of sleep.
Learn more about blue color.
Blue light prevents the production of a hormone called melatonin, responsible for setting the pace of the "biological clock" of each human being, according to research carried out by Harvard University.
Because blue light emits a luminosity similar to daylight to the brain, the body interprets it as if it doesn't it was necessary the production of milatonin - essential to wake up sleep symptoms, such as yawning, laziness and slackness eyes.
It is recommended to avoid being in contact with blue light before going to sleep, so that the body does not confuse the artificial lights emitted by electronic devices, and that can produce the normal amount of hormones needed to maintain sleep healthy.
Blue light in Spiritism
For the Spiritist doctrine, the blue light is used as a tool to “clean the aura”, that is, it acts as a spiritual purifier.
As in color therapy, for spiritists, blue light is excellent against feelings of anxiety, anxiety and insomnia.
Learn more about the meaning of spiritism.