Left and right are two different political ideologies. In general, we can say that the left has more revolutionary principles and the right has more conservative principles. The terms...
The meaning of taboo generally refers to a prohibition on engaging in any social activity that is morally, religiously, or culturally objectionable. Saying something is taboo can mean it is...
Geminada means duplicate, which is arranged in pairs. The most frequent use of the term appears in “detached house”. Terraced house is a type of symmetrical construction, which joins two or more...
Text is a set of linked words and phrases that allow interpretation and convey a message. It is any work written in an original version and which constitutes a book or written document. One...
Typology is the science that studies types, intuitive and conceptual difference of model or basic forms. Typology is widely used in the area of systematic studies, to define different categories...
A literary text is a textual construction in accordance with the norms of literature, with its own objectives and characteristics, as a language designed to cause emotions in the reader. According to the...
Types of text or text typologies are sequences of words and phrases that form the texts we use in our daily lives. The narrative, the descriptive, the dissertation, the injunctive, the...
Arcadism was a literary style that emerged in Europe in the 18th century, during the rise of the Industrial Revolution and under the strong influence of the Enlightenment. Also known as 18th century or...
Chorumela is something of little value, trifle. It is also popularly used with the meaning of whining, spiel. It can take on different meanings depending on the context where it is being applied. THE...
Fwd is an abbreviation of the English word "forward" which in the context of electronic messages means "forward". The abbreviation "Fwd:" usually appears in the subject field of an email to indicate that it is...
FM is the acronym for Frequency Modulation which in Portuguese means "Frequency Modulation" and refers to the transmission of waves with frequency variation, providing good sound quality. Contrast...
The cerrado is an ecosystem found in the central-west region of Brazil, mainly in the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. This ecosystem is also found in the northern regions,...
Itinerant is a term originated in Latin whose meaning is related to the act of constantly moving around, traveling itineraries, traveling. By definition of the activity, a circus is itinerant...
Snob is an English word that has been incorporated into the Brazilian vocabulary with the spelling "snob". A snobby individual is one who demonstrates arrogance and superiority in their attitudes by treating...
Travessa is a feminine noun that can have different meanings, and it is more often used to refer to a narrow, secondary street that crosses two other main ones. Normally,...