Latest Meanings (38)

Meaning of Sunset

Sunset means sunset or west. Sunset is the time when the sun sets over the horizon, heading west. Sunset is the event that precedes the night. Sunset is checked every day and on...

Scale meaning

Scale is a measure used to define the proportional dimensions of actual sizes in graphical representations. There are several different definitions of scale. This word can be used, by...

Definition of Topography

Topography is a science that studies all the characteristics present on the surface of a territory, such as relief and other factors specific to a given region. The topography was born in line with...

Definition of Hydrography

Hydrography is one of the branches of physical geography that studies the Earth's surface waters, including rivers, oceans, lakes, seas, glaciers, and so on. In almost every country in the world there are services...

Definition of Oxossi

Oxossi is a deity of African religions, also known as orixá, who represents knowledge and forests. Usually, he is represented by the figure of a man who has in his hands a...

meaning of dove turns

Pomba gira is a spiritual entity from Umbanda and Candomblé, considered a female exu and the messenger between the world of the orixás and the Earth. In African-based religions, as is the case of...

Definition of Odara

Odara means peace and tranquility, and is an original term in Hindu culture. Odara also has a great importance in the religion of Candomblé and Umbanda, and is a type of exu. Odara is also a...

Definition of Syncretism

Syncretism is the fusion of different doctrines to form a new one, whether philosophical, cultural or religious. Syncretism maintains characteristics typical of all its...

meaning of Sarava

Saravá is an interjection that has the same meaning as a greeting, normally used among participants of Afro-Brazilian cults, such as Umbanda and Candomblé. The expression saravá can be...

Definition of Ajayô

Ajayô is an African expression that means a breath of greeting to Oxalá. It is often spoken in a similar sense to the expression "God willing" or "I hope" and is used to make a greeting to...

Definition of Shango

Xangô is an entity (Orixá) widely worshiped by Afro-Brazilian religions, being considered god of justice, lightning, thunder and fire, in addition to being known as the protector of intellectuals...

Definition of Oshun

Oxum is an orixá, is the queen of fresh water, owner of rivers and waterfalls, worshiped in Candomblé and Umbanda, religions of African origin. Oshun is the second wife of Xangô and represents wisdom...

meaning of axé

Axé, in the Yoruba language, means power, energy or strength present in each being or in everything. In Afro-Brazilian religions, the term represents the sacred energy of the orixás. Axé can be...

meaning of hopefully

Oxalá is a word in the Portuguese language used as an interjection to express the desire for something to happen. It is synonymous with "I hope" or "God willing". The word originates from the Arabic expression in...

Sincerely and cordially

Yours truly and cordially are adverbs so used as a courtesy at the end of any formal correspondence. Expressions can be used at the end of communications such as letters,...

Latest Meanings (130)

meaning of synthesisSynthesis is a feminine noun from the Greek word synthesis that indicated a c...

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Latest Meanings (129)

Definition of CleavageCleavage is a feminine noun and is related to the act of cleaving, dividing...

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Popular Meanings (133)

meaning of zenZen is a Japanese name from the Chan tradition that originated in China and joins i...

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