Latest Meanings (329)

Definition of BSC - Balanced Scorecard

BSC - Balanced Scorecard is a strategic planning tool in which the entity has clearly defined its goals and strategies, aiming to measure business performance through indicators...

Definition of Aerated

Aerated means that it is ventilated, that it has space for air, that it allows air to circulate, that it forms air bubbles. Aerated is something like crumbling, and this designation is used...

meaning of devil's advocate

Devil's Advocate (Latin advocatus diaboli) is an expression originally used by the Church Catholic to designate the lawyer whose mission was to present evidence impeding the admission of a...

meaning of piegas

Piegas means an excessive appeal to commotion. Sometimes it is used in a derogatory way to designate someone who attaches great importance to insignificant things. The term mushy is usually applied to...

Meaning of Unconditional

Unconditional is a two-gender adjective that classifies something that does not depend on any kind of conditions, it is the antonym of conditional. It also means absolute, total. A certain...

Definition of Ethics

Ethics is a feminine noun that expresses the quality of what is ethical and moral, characterizing someone who acts in this way. Ethics seeks to provide a foundation for moral requirements (pure ethics and...

Meaning of Collection

Collection means a lot of something, abundance. It is a word from the Latin term acervus (collection). In general, the word is used to refer to a collection of works or goods...

Definition of Acalanto

Acalanto means the act of cherishing, of animating a child, taking him to his chest and singing so that they fall asleep. Acalanto is a variation of affection. These terms constitute a semantic link of...

Definition of AC DC

AC DC is the name of an Australian rock band, created in 1973 by brothers Angus and Malcolm and George Young. The band has a heavy rock style, and was one of the first to invest in a heavy metal style,...

Definition of Sparring

Sparring is a word derived from the English verb "to spar" which means "to box", "to fight" or "to fight with a punch". In this sense, the English expression "verbal sparring" is synonymous with "debate" or...

Definition of Quadriplegia

Quadriplegia, also known as quadriplegia, is a medical term that means paralysis of the four limbs. A person in this condition loses mobility in the upper limbs and...

Definition of WiFi Hotspot

WiFi hotspot indicates a place where you can have access to the internet, and is a term that comes from English. Hotspot means “hot place” and WiFi means wireless network, that is, a place, generally...

meaning of square

Square is a word in the English language, which in Portuguese means square, square or wide. A square can be a square in a city, which is where two or more streets end or where...

Meaning of wealthy

Wealthy means rich, full, abundant. It is an adjective commonly used to describe someone who is the owner of many assets, who has a large fortune and lives without financial worries. O...

Definition of A left and right

A torto e a right is a popular expression in the Portuguese language that means "to do something randomly, blindly, in excess, too much". The expression "left and right" is also used to describe...

Latest Meanings (170)

Definition of AppellantRecurrent is an adjective that qualifies what happens again after having a...

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Popular Meanings (173)

meaning of emporiumEmpório is a place that is characterized by its large commercial flow, featuri...

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Popular Meanings (174)

Definition of MyopiaNearsightedness is a visual impairment that makes it difficult to see objects...

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