Popular Meanings (252)

Meaning of the Code of Hammurabi

Code of Hammurabi is a set of ancient Babylonian laws created in Mesopotamia around the 18th century BC. Ç. The main issues discussed by the laws of the Code of Hammurabi were related...

Definition of YMCA

YMCA stands for Young Men's Christian Association, which is a worldwide organization of more than 45 million members from 125 member federations. The YMCA was founded in 1844 in England, by...

Definition of Kicking the Bucket

Kicking the bucket is a popular expression in the Portuguese language, used in the sense of "losing the control, "give it all up" or "let go of something" as a response to a feeling of anger or wrath...

meaning of jiripoca

Jiripoca is the popular name for the freshwater fish called jurupoca. In some regions it is also known as jerupoca. It is a leathery fish, with a dark coloration, ranging from brown to greenish,...

Definition of Paranauê

Paranauê is an expression of Tupi origin, used to revere large rivers. This is an expression related to the practice of capoeira. In the Tupi language, Paraná means “similar to...

Definition of Private Equity

Private Equity is an English expression that can be translated to "Private Asset", a investment fund modality consisting in the purchase of shares of companies that have good invoicing...

Definition of Reprisal

Retaliation is an act of counterattack, usually carried out in response to some offense or injury, with the aim of obtaining compensation or revenge. Reprisal is one of the most...

meaning of queen

Queen is a word of English origin and means "queen", in the literal translation for the Portuguese language. In its literal sense, the word queen is used in the English language to name the title of...

meaning of nature

In its broadest sense, nature is equivalent to the natural world or the phenomenon of the physical world that does not depend on human intervention to be born or develop. From the Latin Natura, which means...

meaning of flag

Flag is the masculine noun that means flag or standard. The word tassel is directly associated with the identity of a country or organization and can be an insignia. In the same way,...

Definition of Ora Bolas

Ora bolas is a slang and it means the same as pray for. Now balls is an affirmation for what is being said, or to confirm what the other person who is listening is not understanding. Well, it's...

Definition of Odor

Odor is a smell, an aroma or a perfume that can be perceived through the sense of smell. The word "odor" comes from the Latin odōre. Foul Odor Foul odor is a very unpleasant smell, stinky,...

Meaning of Weights and Measures in Cooking

When we go to make a recipe, most of the times we don't have in our kitchen the necessary equipment to measure each quantity of ingredient. So it is common to adopt measures based on tools...

meaning of resentment

Resentment is the feeling that is characterized by the existence of hurts, resentments or anguish that are formed as a result of an offense or from an attitude that is received in spite. O...

Welfare State

Welfare state, or welfare state, is a model of government in which the state is committed to ensuring the economic and social well-being of the population. The welfare state is also called...

Latest Meanings (120)

Definition of Criminal AgeCriminal adulthood is the minimum age at which a person can be criminal...

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Popular Meanings (123)

Definition of AutomationAutomation is a system that employs automatic processes that command and ...

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Latest Meanings (123)

Definition of GraphiteGraffiti or graffiti is a word of Italian origin “graffito” which means “wr...

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