Latest Meanings (204)

meaning of reverence

Reverence is the act of showing respect and humility towards something or someone that is considered sacred or important. Usually, the bow is done through a body movement,...

meaning of barbarism

Barbarism is the condition of what is savage, cruel, inhuman and coarse, that is, who or what is considered barbaric. Barbarism can be interpreted as an act of extreme violence and...

Meaning of Size is not Document

“Size is not a document” is a popular expression used in situations where the intention is not to underestimate the quality of something or someone just for its size. Usually, the...

Definition of Clapboard in Chulipa

Ripa na chulipa is a popular expression used as a phrase of encouragement and encouragement. Originally, this jargon was popularized by the soccer narrator Osmar Santos, who used the expression...

Definition of Predator

Predator is an adjective that qualifies the being that hunts and totally destroys another organism, mainly in order to feed. In the animal kingdom, predation is part of the cycle of interactions...

meaning of apology

Apology is a form of defense, support or support in favor of something or someone, usually developed in the form of speech or written text. As a rule, apologies refer to the support of ideologies,...

meaning of truth

Truth means that which is intimately connected with everything that is sincere, which is true, is the absence of a lie. Truth is also the affirmation of what is right, what is surely right and...

Meaning of Express

Expressing is a verb that corresponds to the action of exposing something, whether through words or attitudes. Expressing is declaring something, giving an opinion or conveying what you think about something. And in...

Meaning of Proceed

Proceed means the action of what follows, which continues, but it can also indicate a behavior, a way of acting, or the origin. By giving instructions on how to do something, one person can indicate to another...

meaning of pokemon

Pokémon is the contraction of two English words: pocket, which means pocket; and monster, which means monster. Thus, a Pokémon is a "pocket monster", a fictional creature popular in video games and...

meaning of null

Null literally means “null” in English. This term is used mainly in computer language, in the areas of computer science, especially in programming, to represent something without...

meaning of proud

Proud is one who has or causes pride. It is also the overt manifestation of the feeling of pride. The term proud can be positive or negative, depending on the context to which it is applied...

meaning of in vain

In vain means uselessly, in vain. By saying that something is useless, the subject indicates that it is unnecessary, useless, that it is useless and will be wasted. It can be associated with that...

Definition of UFIR

UFIR is the acronym for the Reference Fiscal Unit, an index used as a parameter for updating the debit balance of taxes and amounts related to fines and penalties of any nature. UFIR,...

Definition of Wind

Wind means that which is related to winds: wind energy (energy from winds), wind erosion (erosion caused by winds). The word Aeolian has its origin in Ancient Greece, in mythology...

Latest Meanings (208)

Definition of AnacolutoAnacoluto is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language that sets up a ...

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Latest Meanings (205)

Meaning of AerationAeration means ventilation or air renewal indoors. It is the act of aerating o...

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Popular Meanings (210)

Definition of FacadeFacade is a term related to architecture, and it means each of the exterior f...

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