Popular Meanings (208)

Definition of Diligent

Diligent is an adjective attributed to anyone who performs a certain activity quickly, efficiently and responsibly. It is used to describe the quality of a person who is active,...

meaning of free

Free is an English word meaning free or free. It is often associated with other terms to indicate exemption from payment or freedom to take some action, among others...

meaning of nexus

Nexus means union, connection, bond. It is a masculine noun that names what has joining, adhesion, connection. Having a connection is having coherence, having a harmonious connection between ideas, situations...

meaning of social exclusion

Social exclusion is a term that characterizes the distancing of a person or group that is in an unfavorable or vulnerable situation in relation to other individuals and groups in society. This one...

Definition of Assignment

Assignment is the action or effect of assigning, donating, transmitting or assigning. This term is used in the sense of transferring, to someone or something, property or the right of possession over something, for example. Being...

Definition of Irrefutable

Irrefutable, from the Latin irrefutabilis, is a masculine and feminine adjective that means something that is indisputable or that has already been proven and there is no way to prove otherwise. This term is used many...

Meaning of Amount

Upstream is a place above another, in relation to a river. Upstream is the place that is closest to the headwaters of a river, the source is the most upstream point of a river. The reference point...

meaning of ok

Okay (OK or OK) is an English term that means “yes”, “okay”. It is used in situations where you want to confirm, approve or agree on something. Okay is also the name of a meme...

Meaning of Waiver

Renunciation is a term that characterizes the act or effect of denying or rejecting something or an attitude. Usually this action is related to the fact of giving up something, giving up an object or something...

Definition of Resounding Shout

A resounding cry means a thunderous cry. Shout is synonymous with scream, clamor or protest. Resounding refers to a sound that resounds, that echoes. It can be a scream, a ringing, an explosion or any noise...

meaning of bazaar

Bazar is a store or stall where various types of items are sold, especially toys and general trinkets. Usually, antiques or vintage products are sold in bazaars, for...

meaning of diplomacy

Diplomacy is the civilized and peaceful action of relating to different groups, nations or societies. It represents a typical instrument of countries' foreign policy, which focuses on maintaining...

Definition of Hard

Árduo is an adjective in Portuguese, referring to something that is difficult, tiring, complicated to perform or access. Etymologically, the word "hard" originated from the Latin arduus, which...

Difference between democracy and dictatorship

Democracy and dictatorship are two types of government regimes. These regimes have opposite characteristics: in democracy, decision-making power belongs to the people and in dictatorship, decisions are imposed by the government...

Meaning of embargoes on execution

A stay of execution is an action that can be proposed by the debtor to discuss the creditor's execution. That is, the function of embargoes is to discuss issues related to the payment that must be made to...

Popular Meanings (214)

Definition of KeynesianismKeynesianism is an economic theory that opposes Liberalism, as it defen...

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Latest Meanings (209)

meaning of locusLocus is a Latin word that literally means "place", "position" or "place". This t...

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Popular Meanings (212)

Definition of InsidiousInsidious is an adjective in the Portuguese language that defines somethin...

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