Meaning of Barter (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Barter is the term used to designate the practice of exchange of services or goods, a method of payment characterized by barter and which replaces the use of money.

Also known as exchange or direct exchange, the concept of barter was quite common in Brazil during the first years of exploration of the territory's natural resources.

In the 16th century, for example, the Portuguese offered indigenous objects and ornaments (mirrors, combs and other superfluous materials) in exchange for services such as cutting and transporting trees from the Brazilwood.

There is no type of monetary relationship or value equivalence in barter, just the exchange of goods for other specific products or services.

For example, a farmer who raises cows needs a new chair, so he offers three liters of milk to his town's cabinetmaker in exchange for the furniture. Upon accepting the proposal, both ended up bartering, that is, they carried out a “buy and sell” based only on the exchange of goods, dispensing with the use of coins.

See also the meaning of exchange.

Currently, due to the economic system being based on monetary values, barter has become a very scarce method. However, it continues to be used in some isolated and undeveloped communities around the world.

As a trend in small social groups, especially within the internet, bartering was revived through online sites for the exchange of objects and services. These practices encourage “detachment” from things that a given individual no longer uses, in addition to providing an alternative to the current capitalist consumption system.

See also the meaning of the Capitalism.

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