Meaning of Equivalent (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Equivalent is a two-gender adjective from French "equivalent" and expresses something that has equal value, or that has the same sense.

The word equivalent, when used to describe something, implies that that thing can replace another having equal virtue or meaning. For example, a synonym for a word, despite being a distinct term, is the equivalent of that word.

gram equivalent

Amount expressed in grams of a chemical that combines with a gram atom of hydrogen or that replaces a gram atom of hydrogen in compounds.

Thevenin equivalent

In practice, it is quite common to need to determine the voltage, current and power in a single component of a given circuit. Thevenin's Equivalent consists of a theorem that makes it possible to simplify and solve an electrical circuit, since an equivalent circuit that replaces a complex network is determined.

Mechanical equivalent of heat

The mechanical equivalent of heat is a physical quantity that indicates how much heat corresponds to mechanical work, and vice versa. Its value is 4.1855 joule/calorie.

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chemical equivalent

The chemical equivalent is the fraction 1/z of a chemical species (molecule or ion), in which z is an integer that indicates how many reaction units that chemical species produces in its specific acid-base, redox, or neutralization reactions. So, for example, in H2SO4, z=2, because one molecule of H2SO4 can yield 2 H+ ions.

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