Meaning of Golden Number (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Gold number is one irrational, constant and real number, which mathematically represents perfection in nature.

It is represented by the Greek letter phi, initial of Phidias, sculptor and architect in charge of the construction of Parthenon, in Athens, also represented by the symbol Φ, as shown in the image below:

gold number

Also called golden ratio, golden reason,or golden number, it has been studied since Antiquity, as many Greek constructions and artistic works have this number as a basis. Due to its countless applications, many refer to it as God's offering to the world, as it is a number that is involved with the nature of growth.

And precisely because it is found in growth studies, the gold number has become important, being the target of researchers, artists and writers.

After being explored by other Greek scholars, the gold number gained more developed properties in the early 13th century. During this period, Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci discovered a sequence of numbers infinite, where the division between the terms always consists of the approximation of the number 1.6180 (the "number of gold").

Learn more about Fibonacci Sequence.

The number of gold can be found approximately in man (the size of the phalanges, bones of the fingers, for example), in hives, among numerous other examples involving the order of growth in the nature.

See also the meaning of golden ratio It's from Gold.

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