Zeal means taking care of something or someone, being considerate of the thing or the person. An individual who is very zealous for another person is called zealous, and is someone who feels great affection for...
Advent is a masculine noun with Latin etymology, in the term adventum, which means coming or arrival. The word advent can also mean foundation or creation of something (for example:...
Stone is the word that popularly refers to loose pieces of rock. It is a hard and solid body and is used a lot in construction. In the human body, on many occasions occurs the formation of...
Klebsiella pneumoniae is a species of airless (encapsulated), non-mobile, rod-shaped bacteria, the most famous of the Klebsiella class, being classified in the family of...
UNDP (United Nations Development Program) is the acronym for a network of United Nations global development targeting development in various areas through many different...
Gentleman is an English word meaning gentleman. It is a term that designates the man of irreproachable conduct, endowed with great education and culture, and great delicacy of treatment. The plural of...
It is a physical and psychological condition caused by the constant consumption of psychoactive substances. Due to the constant use of these types of drugs, the human body becomes increasingly dependent on...
Intermittent is a two-gender adjective from the Latin intermittent. To say that something is intermittent means to say that this thing ceases and starts again at intervals, which manifests itself with...
Expertise is a word of French origin that means experience, specialization, expertise. It consists of the set of skills and knowledge of a person, a system or technology. Expertise is the...
Canon is a term that derives from the Greek “kanón”, used to designate a rod that served as a reference as a unit of measure. In the Portuguese language the term acquired the general meaning of rule,...
Bio means "life", a term of Greek origin used in words that have some relation to the living being. Several words use the prefix "bio", such as: biology, biodiversity, biomedicine,...
Bimmer is an informal word to refer to automobiles from the German brand BMW. It is a simplified form, originated from the pronunciation of the brand by the Americans. There are no official notes on the emergence of...
Seven-headed beast is a popular expression that means you are facing some difficulty that may not have a simple resolution. It's something that's almost impossible to solve. When it appears...
Surreal means something strange, absurd, which does not correspond to reality. To say that an event is surreal means that it escapes reality, that it is bizarre or absurd. Some scholars believe that...
Absenteeism is a word with Latin origins, where absens means "to be outside, away or absent". Absenteeism is the act of abstaining from some activity or function. Absenteeism is also...