Culture is a set of particularities that characterize a group of people, a family or a society. It is formed by moral principles, habits, customs, histories, religious manifestations,...
A fugitive is someone who is fleeing from persecution or hiding from a certain situation in a place or land other than their own, such as an emigrant or an expatriate. Grammatically, the word outlaw can...
Velcro is the name given to a system of fasteners and clasps made from two parts. independent of joining fabrics, one consisting of small hooks and the other of rings lowercase that...
Drifting (English word meaning "adrift") is a style of driving cars, specially prepared for this purpose, which consists of using various skidding techniques on the curves,...
Tour de Force means a great effort, a feat or feat. It is a term of French origin, where tour means back and force, strength. Tour de force is widely applied in the arts, such as cinema and...
Ojuobá is a word from the Yoruba language and means "The King's Eyes" or "The Eyes of Xango". Ojuobá is part of the cult of the Orixá Xangô, as it represents an Oyê, that is, a title of honor granted...
Symbolism was a literary movement that emerged in France in the late nineteenth century. This movement also existed in other forms of expression in the arts, but it was in literature that it had more prominence...
The principles of proportionality and reasonableness direct the application of the legal system so that it meets the specific situation in an adequate and proportional way. The principles of...
Souvenir (souvenir) is a masculine noun used to characterize traditional or characteristic items that represent the culture and customs of a place. Usually, souvenirs are...
The Second World War, which took place between 1939 and 1945, was the biggest conflict of the 20th century, with the largest number of victims in human history. It is estimated that during the conflict they have...
Arraso is usually used to represent the high level of success or popularity of something or someone. For example, when it is said that a certain person “is devastating”, this sentence can be...
Arithmetic Progression, also known as P. A, is a type of numerical sequence studied by Mathematics, where each term or element, counting from the second, is equal to the sum of the previous term...
RSS is an XML-based standard that informs readers of news from sites of interest. It's a simple way for blogs and news sites to deliver up-to-date information without the...
Excellent is an adjective that qualifies something that is very good and of great quality. The word excellent is used to express the high level of pleasantness of something. Example: “You are an excellent...
Cyber attack or cyber attack is an action practiced by hackers that consists of transmitting viruses (malicious files) that infect, damage and steal information from computers and others banks...