Popular Meanings (302)

meaning of dungeon

Dungeon is the name given to prisons located underground, mainly of ancient castles. They are dark, gloomy and dismal places. Dungeons were common in medieval castles, where they were...

Meaning of Entering the pipe

Entering through the pipe is a popular expression in the Portuguese language, used in the sense of "getting bad" in some situation or getting in trouble, in trouble or with complications. The phrase "enter the pipe"...

Definition of Payroll Loan

Payroll loan or payroll loan is a type of loan where the payment method is carried out indirectly every month, being deducted from any means of maturity of the user...

Definition of CCTV

CCTV stands for “China Central Television” which means China Central Television, a public television station owned by the Chinese government. CCTV was founded on September 2, 1958 and...

meaning of diamond

Diamond, also called gemstone, is a gemstone formed by pure carbon atoms under crystallization conditions. It can be found on every surface of the Earth and has a high value of...

meaning of misfortune

Misfortune is the same as misfortune and bad luck, characterizing a state or situation that is tragic and unhappy. This term is also often used to refer to what has a funeral or...

meaning of cyborg

Cyborg or cyborg is an organism in which a cybernetic structure or element has been incorporated. Typically, cyborgs are related to the figure of a human being with mechanical components or...

meaning of kaput

Kaput is a slang meaning "broken", "ruined", "destroyed". It is a word derived from the German "kaputt" which means "broken", "damaged". Indicates that something is "detonated", "ruined". Per...

Meaning of Assemble

Ajuntar is a verb (transitive, intransitive and pronominal) that means to put together, approximate, unite, add, associate, agglomerate. In addition, gathering can also mean joining forces and...

meaning of falling off the horse

Falling off a horse is a popular expression that means failing in an activity when you were sure of good results. The expression falling off a horse can be used as a synonym for getting frustrated,...

meaning of polyphony

Polyphony is the multiplicity of different sounds played in rhythm harmony. Polyphonic sounds are the opposite of monophonic ones, which are characterized by playing only one voice or instrument...

Definition of Russian Roulette

Russian Roulette is a dangerous game of chance that can lead to the death of its participants. Players must place only one bullet in the “barrel” of the revolver and rotate it, pointing the gun at the head and...

Meaning of Intuition

Intuition is the same as an objective, a goal or a desire to be achieved. This noun assumes the meaning of a purpose, that is, what one intends to do or accomplish. Example: "The purpose of...

Definition of Curb

A curb is the edge of the sidewalk, which marks the gap between the pedestrian sidewalk and the pavement where cars pass. It is a construction usually formed by a row of concrete blocks or...

meaning of through

Through is an adverb of mode and indicates that something has been passed around, through or because of something. It can express what was passed with transversality. In the expression "through...

Popular Meanings (50)

Definition of GenocideGenocide means the systematic extermination of people whose main motivation...

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Popular Meanings (51)

meaning of communistCommunist is a two-gender adjective that indicates something belonging to com...

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Popular Meanings (52)

Definition of SanctionSanction is a term with two different meanings, which can mean both the pun...

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