Meaning of Benignity (What it is, Concept and Definition)

kindness is the benign quality, that is, endowed with good characteristics, such as generosity, kindness and benevolence.

In the religious sphere, according to the teachings of the Bible, especially the Christian one, kindness is a particularity that must be part of all people.

Acting kindly is the same as be merciful and kind to others, behaving on the basis of loyalty and fidelity, principles that are defended by several religions based on the Bible.

Also according to biblical accounts, kindness would represent a "fruit of the holy spirit". This means that the quality of being kind is shared among those who have obtained the grace of God's holy spirit, that is, those who have faith in the word in his word.

Like kindness, the other "fruits of the holy spirit" would be: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.

Some of the main synonyms for kindness they are: benevolence, complacency, indulgence and condescension.

kindness and kindness

Both words can be considered synonymous, but according to religious interpretation, for example, kindness and kindness have some differences.

Kindness is related to the individual's character, while kindness consists in his attitudes. Thus, it would be correct to say that kindness is the externalization, in the form of actions, of kindness.

See also:meaning of goodness.

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