Under or Over: when to use?

The “under” and the “about” are two essential prepositions that cause a lot of confusion when writing a text.

This is because they are paronyms, as they are very similar in pronunciation and writing, however, they have different meanings.

Thus, the under and the over are antonyms, that is, the meaning of one is the opposite of the other.

Remember that preposition is an invariant word used to link two terms in a clause. Check here the meaning, uses and examples of each one of them.


The sob is a preposition used with the meaning of “under”, “under” and “under”. That is, it refers to something that is in an inferior position.

Furthermore, it can be used in the sense of “condition” or “in a state of”.


we pass under the bridge this afternoon.
I can't work under pressure.
The furniture store is under new direction.
the boy is under my responsibility.
her situation is under control.


The “over” is a preposition used as a synonym for “over”, “over” and “above”. That is, it refers to something that is in a superior position.

This term can also be used in the sense of “about”, “in relation to” and “about”.


I left my glasses about the living room table.
never leave your cell phone about the kitchen sink.
While the dog barked, the cat remained about the wall.
Today's class is about venomous animals.
we talk all afternoon about our childhood.

Over or under? What is the difference?

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