Popular Meanings (295)

meaning of aleph

Aleph is the name given to the first letter of the alphabet of the Semitic languages ​​(Hebrew, Phoenician, Aramaic, Syriac and Arabic), which corresponds to Alpha, in the Greek language. In the Hebrew alphabet, aleph is...

Definition of Griffin

Griffin is the name of a mythological creature that has the body of a lion, the head and wings of an eagle. According to legend, griffins were able to lay golden eggs. Symbolically, the griffins are...

Definition of MOBA

MOBA is a genre of electronic games that mixes elements of action, strategy and RPG (Role Playing Game). The acronym MOBA comes from the English “Multiplayer Online Battle Arena” which means “arena of...

Significance of Chaos Theory

Chaos theory is the idea that small changes in the beginning of an event can trigger drastic, profound and unpredictable changes over time. Chaos theory seeks to explain...

What is Hot Tub?

Ofuro is a hot bath, traditional in Japan, which is characterized by soaking in a wooden bathtub for this purpose (also called furô). It's a very old custom that goes back to the...

meaning of need

Precise is what is needed and what is exact. When used as an inflection of the verb need, it means what is indispensable. When someone says "I need", whether from someone or from...

meaning of gypsy

Gypsy means “gypsy” in the literal translation from English to Portuguese. Gypsies are known as nomadic community groups and predominantly Asian in origin, mainly the...

What is Krav Maga?

Krav maga means hand-to-hand fighting. It is the only fighting technique recognized worldwide as a personal self-defense and not a martial art. Krav Magá was developed in Israel, with several types of...

Meaning of propitious

Favorable is an adjective attributed to everything that is favorably disposed to grant favors or to do actions for the other. Usually this is a characteristic attributed to something or someone...

Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall was a concrete wall that began to be built in the city of Berlin and that divided Germany physically and ideologically, from 1961 to 1989, in two parts: Democratic Republic of...

Definition of ideal body and real body

Ideal body and real body are different concepts that define the characteristics of the physical structure of the human body. The main difference between an ideal body and a real body lies precisely in...

meaning of art nouveau

Art Nouveau is the name of an artistic movement that started in Europe during the 19th century. Its apex lasted until the mid-20s. It was very representative of what was happening in society at the time, which lived...

Definition of Fifth Column

Fifth column is an expression considered synonymous with betrayal, characterized by the gathering of a group of people who act clandestinely with the intention of betraying their comrades, their homeland or...

Definition of Squadron

Squadron is the name given to a small group of military units, formed by an armed army, cavalry or police. In the military scope, the squadrons are ranked hierarchically above the...

Meaning of the Flag of China

The national flag of the People's Republic of China is one of the greatest symbols of the Chinese nation, alongside the Republic crest and the Chinese National Anthem. The flag of China has a red background with five...

Popular Meanings (51)

meaning of communistCommunist is a two-gender adjective that indicates something belonging to com...

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Popular Meanings (52)

Definition of SanctionSanction is a term with two different meanings, which can mean both the pun...

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Popular Meanings (54)

Definition of ProspectingProspecting is a word with origins in the Latin prospectione which means...

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