Globalization is the process of bringing together different societies and nations around the world, whether in the economic, social, cultural or political sphere. However, the main highlight given...
Chronicle is a textual genre characterized by short texts, with simple language and portraying aspects of everyday life, usually with touches of humor or irony. Published in newspapers and magazines, the...
Feedback is an English word that means to feed back or respond to a particular request or event (feed = feed and back = back). It is present both in the business world and in the...
Emojis and emoticons are graphical representations used to convey an idea, emotion or feeling. These symbols are very popular in online communications such as social media, SMS and...
Morals are a set of rules, customs and ways of thinking of a social group, which define what we should or should not do in society. The term moral comes from the Latin morales, whose meaning is...
Capitalism is an economic system that is based on private ownership of the means of production and its main objectives are profit and the accumulation of wealth. This is the most adopted system in...
Reciprocity is a feminine noun that means mutuality, representing the characteristic of what is reciprocal. Reciprocity means giving and receiving, so it is an essential condition for...
AM and PM (can be written in lowercase, with or without dots after the letters) are two acronyms with Latin origin used to refer to each of the two 12-hour periods into which it is divided O...
Sorority is the union and alliance between women, based on empathy and companionship, seeking to achieve common goals. The concept of sorority is strongly present in feminism, being...
Sociopath is a word used to describe a person who suffers from sociopathy, a personality disorder that causes impulsive, hostile, and antisocial behavior. Sociopathy is characterized by...
Myth are narratives used by ancient Greek peoples to explain facts of reality and phenomena of nature, the origins of the world and human beings. Myths use a lot of symbology,...
Art is the expression of an aesthetic ideal (that is, an ideal of beauty) through a creative activity. It is a universal human manifestation (exists in all cultures) that produces things...
Altruist is an adjective that defines an individual who practices altruism, that is, who is dedicated to others. Altruism is also seen as synonymous with philanthropy and solidarity. The term altruism...
Adjective is any word that characterizes the noun, indicating its quality, defect, state, condition, etc. E.g.: good man (quality), naughty boy (defect), happy girl (state), rich family...
UF stands for Federation Unit or Federative Unit. Federation Unit refers to the 26 Brazilian states, plus the Federal District, totaling 27 Federative Units (UF). For example, Saint...