Quantitative research is a classification of the scientific method that uses different statistical techniques to quantify opinions and information for a particular study. It is performed to...
Sporadically it is an adverb that refers to what happens a few times, rarely or randomly over a long period of time. Example: "I go to the theater sporadically". In the example above, the word...
Granting is an adjective referring to what has permission or authorization to do something, that is, the condition of who grants something to someone. In the grammar of the Portuguese language, concessive...
Principles are a set of norms or standards of conduct to be followed by a person or institution. The conceptualization of principles is related to the beginning or beginning of something. It's the dots...
Recess represents the temporary suspension of the activities of a certain public agency, representing a short vacation period for employees. In the legal field, the forensic recess is the...
Methodical is an adjective that qualifies the behavior of those who act according to a method, that is, following a logical sequence and order to perform something, for example. The individual who has a character...
Bad character is an adjective that qualifies the individual who has a negative, doubtful character, capable of performing disloyal, malicious and treacherous acts. A bad person is not considered...
Underestimate is a verb that refers to the act of not valuing or giving due esteem to something or someone because you think it has a value below what it actually presents. Underestimating a person is the same...
Linguistic prejudice is discrimination between speakers of the same language, in which there is no respect for linguistic variations (ways of speaking and writing). Linguistic variations are the...
Discrepancy is the same as disagreement or inequality when one thing is compared with another, for example. When it is said that there is a discrepancy between two or more parts, it means that these...
Concise is an adjective that qualifies something that is reduced to the essential, which is succinct and precise, that is, it manages to transmit its content simply and quickly. When you say that something or someone is...
Metalanguage consists of a type of language that directly refers to the language used in communication. The dictionary is an example of metalanguage, as it is intended to describe and talk about...
Authenticity consists in the absolute certainty of the veracity or originality of something, which is obtained through analyzes carried out on the object in question. When something has authenticity it means it is...
Thickness is the same as thickness, that is, the condition of something that is thick, that has a consistent and high density. When it is said that something is thick, it means that it is full-bodied, with an agglomeration...
Sensitivity is the sensory perceptual capacity related to emotions, feelings or even physical sensations. All human beings are endowed with different levels of sensitivity,...