Popular Meanings (2)

meaning of easter

Easter is an important celebration of the Christian church in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Passover originates from the Latin word Pascha, which derives from the Hebrew Pesach / Pesach, which means “...

meaning of democracy

Democracy is the political regime in which sovereignty is exercised by the people. Citizens are the holders of power and entrust part of that power to the State so that it can organize society. The word...

Definition of FOB and CIF

The meaning of the acronyms FOB and CIF is related to the payment of freight in the maritime transport of goods. These acronyms are used to distinguish between buyer and supplier who bears the...

Public place

Public place means what can be achieved, enjoyed or enjoyed by someone. In general terms, a street is a street; a public or private space address. In Urbanism, a street is a...

meaning of the lotus flower

In the East, the lotus flower means spiritual purity. The lotus (padma), also known as the Egyptian lotus, the sacred lotus or the Indian lotus, is an aquatic plant that blooms on water. At the...

meaning of platonic love

Platonic love is any kind of affectionate relationship idealized in which there is no realization of a romantic relationship, for different reasons, as in a case of friendship between two people in which the any less...

Meaning of Metaphor

Metaphor is a figure of speech in which the name of one thing is transferred to another with which it is possible to establish a relation of comparison. For the comparison to take place, there must be...

Definition of Citizenship

Citizenship is the exercise of civil, political and social rights and duties established in the Constitution of a country, by its respective citizens (individuals who make up a certain nation)...


Socialism is a political and economic doctrine that emerged at the end of the 18th century and is characterized by by the idea of ​​transforming society by limiting the right to private property, of...

meaning of love

Love is a feeling of affection and a demonstration of affection that develops between beings who have the capacity to show it. Love motivates the need for protection and can manifest itself in different ways...

Definition of Freemasonry

Freemasonry is a discreet society, in which actions are reserved only for those who participate in it. Freemasonry is a universal society, whose members cultivate aclassism, humanism, the...

Definition of Maktub

Maktub is an Arabic word that means "it was already written" or "it had to happen". Maktub is also the name of a book by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho. This word is considered a synonym...

Definition of Agnostic

Agnostic is one who considers supernatural phenomena inaccessible to human understanding. The word derives from the Greek term agnostos which means “unknown” or “unknowable”. O...

meaning of true love

It is customary to give the name of true love to a very strong feeling of affection between two people. This feeling is so intense that it is able to unite these two people under any circumstances, even...

Definition of Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi means Body of Christ. It is a religious feast of the Catholic Church that aims to celebrate the mystery of the Eucharist, the sacrament of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The Corpus Party...

Popular Meanings (203)

Meaning of vilifyVilipendiar is a transitive verb in Portuguese and means the act of despising or...

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Popular Meanings (202)

Meaning of AllusionAllusion is the quotation, reference or mention, indirect and brief about some...

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Latest Meanings (200)

Meaning of OverwhelmOppressing is means exerting pressure on something or someone, with the inten...

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