Popular Meanings (7)

Meaning of Ambiguity

Ambiguity is the quality or state of what is ambiguous, that is, that which can have more than one sense or meaning. The function of ambiguity is to suggest different meanings for the same message...

Definition of Methodology

Methodology is a word derived from “method”, from the Latin “methodus” whose meaning is “way or the way to accomplish something”. Method is the process to achieve a certain...

Meaning of Sunflower Flower

Sunflower is the name of a plant. The scientific name for sunflower is Helianthus annus, meaning “sun flower”. It is a plant native to North America and has the particularity of being...

Definition of LDL and HDL

HDL and LDL are the acronyms, in English, used to designate the types of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol in the blood. HDL is called good cholesterol and LDL is called bad cholesterol. Cholesterol is a...

Meaning of Emoji 😉

Emoji is of Japanese origin, composed by the joining of the elements e (image) and moji (letter), and is considered a pictogram or ideogram, that is, an image that conveys the idea of ​​a word or phrase...

meaning of noun

Noun is what by itself designates the substance itself, that is, the essence, the matter. It is a term originating from the Latin “substantivu” which means “substantial”. Grammatically,...

meaning of secular state

Secular state means a country or nation with a neutral position in the religious field. Also known as the secular state, the secular state has as its principle impartiality in religious matters, not...

Definition of Peculiar

Peculiar means characteristic, special, something that is proper to a person or thing. In some cases, the word peculiar can have a derogatory meaning, being used as a synonym for strange,...

meaning of concept

Concept means definition, conception or characterization. It is the formulation of an idea through words or visual aids. The term "concept" originates from the Latin “conceptus” (from...

meaning of work

Work is a set of activities performed, it is the effort made by individuals, with the objective of reaching a goal. It can be approached in different ways and focusing on several areas, such as...

Definition of Dialectics

Dialectics is a word originating from the Greek term dialektiké and means the art of dialogue, the art of debating, persuading or reasoning. Dialectics is a debate where there are different ideas, where a...


The State is an entity with sovereign power to govern a people within a delimited territorial area. Thus, it can be said that the constituent elements of the State are: power, people, territory,...

Definition of Stakeholders

Stakeholders means strategic audience and describes all the people or "stakeholder groups" that are impacted by the actions of an enterprise, project, company or business. In English stake means...

meaning of euphemism

Euphemism is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language, a mechanism that aims to soften a word or expression that may be rude or unpleasant. The euphemism consists of swapping terms or...

meaning of dove turns

Pomba gira is a spiritual entity from Umbanda and Candomblé, considered a female exu and the messenger between the world of the orixás and the Earth. In African-based religions, as is the case of...

Latest Meanings (105)

Meaning of AgentDeputy is one who has been posted before, who has been preferred, announced, or g...

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Popular Meanings (105)

Meaning of fundamental rightsFundamental rights are the basic individual, social, political and l...

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Popular Meanings (106)

Definition of DepressionDepression is a term used in psychiatry to designate a mood disorder, a s...

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