Meaning of Friday the 13th (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Friday the 13th is popularly known as the unlucky day. It can occur in any month and in any year, when the 13th falls on a Friday.

As a rule, the Fridays the 13th occur whenever the first day of the month is a Sunday..

There are many stories and legends that try to justify how mysticism arose around this date.

Many people consider the number 13 as a symbol of luck, however, “Friday the 13th” was marked as a day of “bad omens” and negative events.

One of the hypotheses, according to Christianity, says that Friday was the day Jesus was crucified, and at his last supper there were 13 people sitting at the table.

There are older versions of two legends from Norse mythology, where one of them is told that there was a banquet hosted by the god Odin and 12 gods were invited.

Loki, spirit of evil and discord, was not among the guests and was very angry about it. After appearing at the party, a great fight was fought, ending with the death of the goddess Balder, who was much loved by the other gods.

From this story came the belief that inviting 13 people to dinner was a disgrace for sure.

According to another legend, the goddess of love and beauty for the Norse was Friga (who originated the terms friadagr and friday, meaning “Friday” in the language Scandinavian and English, respectively), and when the Nordic and German tribes converted to Christianity, the legend turned the goddess into a witch and, as revenge, she began to meet every Friday with 11 other witches and the devil, totaling 13 members who were cursing the beings humans.

Learn more about the meaning of bad luck.

Movie "Friday the 13th"

Friday the 13th is a popular series of horror films that began in the 1980s.

The film stars Jason Voorhees, a relentless serial killer who wears a player mask of hockey cursed.

Learn more about the meaning of serial killer.

Currently, the film series has 12 feature films produced. A new movie in the “Friday the 13th” franchise is scheduled for the first half of 2017, which promises to explain the reasons that lead Jason to resurrect whenever he is killed.

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