Meaning of Eclectic (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Eclectic is the one who is in favor of various forms of conduct or opinion, one who enjoys different types of music, food, reading, etc. É one who is in favor of eclecticism.

It is a term of Greek origin "eklekticós", which means one who chooses. In English "eclectic", which means selector.

Eclecticism is a method that consists in bringing together theses from different systems. It is an intellectual or moral position, characterized by choosing between different forms of opinion, without following a rigid line of thought.

An eclectic person is one who has several lines of thought, whose taste varies, is not restricted to just one particular opinion, is one who likes several very different foods. He also likes to practice totally opposite activities, such as a concert by rock and a pagoda show, for example.

An eclectic individual doesn't stick to anything, he's a person who likes everything, has very diverse interests and preferences, no matter what other people might think. This person does not follow a particular system, but selects and uses those that are the best elements of all systems.

eclectic style

It is that segment that brings together varied styles, which is not tied to a single concept, eg eclectic architecture, eclectic musician, eclectic singer etc.

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