Intrinsic is a masculine adjective that means intimate, internal, inherent, constitutive and classify something that is inside. The antonym of intrinsic is extrinsic.
This word comes from the Latin term intrinsic and it can also mean something that is on the inside of something else and that is fundamental to its existence.
In the context of investing in stocks and options, the expression intrinsic value means the real value of something. In this case, the intrinsic value is obtained through the relation of the share price with the option exercise premium. In the case of a coin, the intrinsic value corresponds to its value of the weight of the metal in relation to its quotation in the market.
intrinsic aging
Intrinsic aging, or chronological aging, is aging that occurs over time. In humans, the most visible signs of intrinsic aging begin to appear after 40 years. On the other hand, extrinsic aging corresponds to aging that happens thanks to external elements, such as environmental factors, for example.