Definition of Kinesiotherapy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Kinesiotherapy is a branch of physiotherapy dedicated to movement therapy, these responsible for the rehabilitation of the body's motor functions.

Etymologically, kinesiotherapy originated from the junction of the Greek words: kinesis, which means "movement", and therapy, which means “therapy”. This therapy is studied through the kinesiology, which means “study of movement”.

In practice, kinesiotherapy consists of performing active and passive movements, of a therapeutic nature, in order to find all the points of dysfunction in the body and apply the appropriate therapy for each situation.

Active movements are those performed by the patient himself, while passive movements are performed with the therapist's full help.

Kinesiotherapy is usually applied in consonance with other therapies, such as hydrotherapy, manual therapies, and so on.

Among some of the therapeutic exercises applied in kinesiotherapy are: stretching, posture re-education, body balance, motor coordination, breathing exercises, and so on.

Kinesiotherapy helps to relieve muscle pain, body movement amplitude, improve posture, among other benefits.

Usually, this therapy is usually recommended for individuals with neurological, cardiac, respiratory problems, orthopedic disorders and who have suffered damage to the musculoskeletal system.

The kinesiotherapy technique can also be applied to the recovery of respiratory function, through exercises that help to improve the ventilation movement of the breath. This therapy is known as respiratory kinesiotherapy.

See also: the meaning of Physiotherapy in RPG.

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