Definition of Dysplasia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

dysplasia is a general term used to designate the appearance of abnormalities during the development of an organ or tissue. body, in which a cell proliferation occurs that results in cells with size, shape and characteristics changed.

Dysplasia implies an unequivocal alteration in the cell growth and differentiation program.

breast dysplasia

Mammary dysplasia is an exacerbated development of the breasts due to genetic factors. The term "breast dysplasia" was replaced by "benign functional changes of the breast (AFBM)".

Breast fibroadenoma

Fibroadenoma of the breast is a nodule of benign origin and evolution, which usually occurs in women between 15 and 25 years of age. In most cases, it measures 1 to 2 cm, is rigid, mobile, single, well-defined and does not cause pain.

fibrous dysplasia

Fibrous dysplasia is characterized by the gradual replacement of normal bone tissue and bone marrow by fibrous tissue, leading to fractures and deformities. It is a non-hereditary, benign congenital disorder.

It can occur as an isolated skeletal injury or affect multiple bones.

Hip dysplasia

Congenital hip dysplasia consists of changes in the development of the child's hip that impair the stability of the hip joint.

The hip bone undergoes changes that make it difficult to fit with the femur, leading to a looseness of the hip joint, which can result in a subluxation or dislocation of that joint.

In some cases, the joint is so unstable that the dislocation can occur right at birth (congenital hip dislocation).

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Definition of Dysplasia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

dysplasia is a general term used to designate the appearance of abnormalities during the developm...

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