Meaning of Vertigo (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Vertigo is a word within the scope of medicine which indicates the feeling of loss of balance.

Regarding the etymology, vertigo comes from the Latin term vertigo, and because of that, in some cases, it is called dizziness being used as synonymous with dizziness.

The vertigo occurs thanks to a temporary change in hearing aid (inflammation or irritation), change in the pressure of fluids in the inner ear.

A case where vertigo occurs is when a person is afraid of heights, making him dizzy. In this case the vertigo has a psychological origin, but despite this some doctors indicate that these cases should be classified as dizziness and not as vertigo.

Rotational vertigo can also occur when traveling by boat or plane. Alcohol consumption can also cause dizziness.

O vertigo treatment it will depend on the cause, and it can be through medication that control the symptoms or surgery in the inner ear.

In a figurative sense, the word vertigo can indicate an unexpected temptation or a moment of momentary madness.

vertigo symptoms

When a person has vertigo, he has the feeling that objects around him are moving. People who have dizziness often lose consciousness, passing out.

In addition to the irregular sensation of movement, episodes of vertigo can cause nausea and vomiting. As the person loses balance, the probability of a fall increases considerably.

Difference between vertigo and dizziness

For many experts, despite being classified as synonyms, there are several differences between vertigo and dizziness.

It is true that both dizziness and dizziness cause imbalance. However, the causes behind vertigo and dizziness are distinct.

While dizziness can be caused by dehydration, hypotension (low blood pressure) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels), vertigo does occur. exclusively due to some adverse condition in the labyrinth (inner ear), and approximately 300 inner ear conditions are known to cause dizziness.

Postural Vertigo

THE postural vertigo or positional it is a severe vertigo caused by some changes in the position of the head (when, for example, a person looks up, tilting the head back).

Postural vertigo has a short duration (approximately 30 seconds) and can appear due to damage to the inner ear, or otitis media. In addition, during an attack of postural vertigo, nystagmus, which is an irregular and involuntary movement of the eyes, is common.

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