Natural landscape: what it is, examples and difference for cultural landscape

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Natural landscape is any uninfluenced environment, keeping all the elements and typical characteristics of nature preserved.

Dense and virgin forests, mountain tops and deserts are examples of environments with natural landscapes, as they suffered with little or no alteration made by human beings.

In short, landscapes consist of everything that can be perceived by human beings through their senses, such as touch, smell, sight and hearing.

Examples of natural landscapes

natural landscape example 1
In natural landscapes, the influence of human activity is not perceived
natural landscape example 2
Mountains are examples of static natural landscapes, no changes are observed

cultural landscape and natural landscape

Also known as anthropic landscapes, cultural landscapes are those where the interference of human beings in the environment is remarkable..

Humans use the resources present in the natural environment and alter it to satisfy their needs, inserting objects in the landscape that characterize a social and cultural presence in the space.

Cities, roads, bridges and buildings are examples of cultural landscapes (which can also be understood as

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humanized landscapes or modified landscapes).

know more about cultural landscape.

Examples of cultural landscape

Modified landscape example 1
Human constructions modify the landscape
Modified landscape example 2
Even with natural elements, plantations are examples of cultural or humanized landscapes

And as said, the natural landscapes do not present a significant interference of the human being, preserving the characteristics defined by nature in the environment.

It is noteworthy that landscapes, both natural and humanized, are considered dynamic when they are changing, despite having a different temporality of alterations.

In natural landscapes, for example, transformations can occur more slowly according to the natural changes that occur in nature or faster way, when it comes to moving animals, falling trees or leaves, clouds or any other change in the perception of environment.

On the other hand, in cultural or modified landscapes, dynamic alterations, in general, are related to constructions, traffic or other changes.

Learn more about meaning of the environment and Geographic space.

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