Meaning of Zion (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Zion (Zion in Portuguese and Tzion in Hebrew) has the biblical meaning of promised land. Initially it was the name of the mountain in Jerusalem on which King David's city was built. Mount Zion came to designate the promised land or Jerusalem itself.

The biblical meaning of the name Zion is used in religions such as Christianity, which believe that Zion is a holy land destined for the faithful after Armageddon.

For followers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Zion is the promised place for the Saints to dwell with Christ during the Millennium.

Zion is also the name of the fictional city in The Matrix movie. Zion would be the last human city on planet Earth, with thousands of sleeping human beings, cultivated by conscious machines and trapped in the virtual world called the Matrix. There is an endless war between humans and machines and artificial life forms trying to protect the secret of the Matrix. The crew's mission is to protect the city of Zion and free humans from the Matrix.

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