Meaning of Homoaffective (What it is, Concept and Definition)

homoaffective is the adjective that qualifies a person who likes and feels same-sex attraction. The term homoaffective was created to reduce the pejorative connotation that was given to homosexual relationships, and it became a legal expression to address the right related to the union of same-sex couples.

The same-sex relationship is not configured as a stable union, as defined by the Superior Court of Justice, there is no legislation of its own for the union between people of the same sex, thus generating rights and obligations such as the right to food and inheritance, such as couples heterosexuals.

The homo-affective relationship is already entitled to one of the main social rights, the pension in the event of the death of the partner, as well as the right to imprisonment assistance, both of which can be obtained from the National Insurance Institute Social. Some state-owned companies such as Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco do Brasil, Petrobras, among others, have accepted the inclusion of homo-affective dependents for the purpose of pension for death and insurance/welfare beneficiary toilet.

Currently, it is also possible to include the partner as a dependent in private Health Plans, and the IRS also authorized the couple to include their partner on the income tax return as a dependent homoaffective.

See also the meaning of Homosexuality.


The relationship between homosexuals gained a new word, created by judge and jurist Maria Berenice Dias, who argues that affection is the most relevant factor in a person's attraction to same sex. According to the Judge, the homo-affectiveness it goes beyond the sexual relationship, it is, a bond created by affection, affection and the desire to be with the other in a harmonious relationship.

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