Meaning of Advice (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Assistance is the action performed by an individual or a group, consisting of give or receive advice and assistance about a particular branch or subject.

The activity consists of researching and providing data and information on a subject of interest to those who requested the service. She can also serve for advice and assistance in a specific area.

Normally, assistance is a kind of service performed by an agency or a group of responsible persons who provide assistance to legal entities or individuals.

The professional who works in this area is called advisor. He needs to have the necessary knowledge so that the client or the company that hires him can solve everyday problems.

He must also provide appropriate assistance and assistance, and may even legally represent the client when necessary.

Learn more about Advisor.

Advice or advice?

There is always a question as to the correct form of writing the word advisory. Many people sometimes write it “accessory” because they think this might be the right way.

However, the correct form of writing is advisory, written twice with the ss digraph. The word accessory is wrong.

The word can also be replaced by synonyms as help, help, support, advice, service, assistance, collaboration, assistance, advice.

Communication Advisory

The press office, also called by the abbreviation ASCOM, is an exclusive activity of the Social Communication area, which establishes the relationship between an entity, body or institution with its public. She is responsible for managing all information related to the person being advised.

The activities of the communication consultancy usually involve the qualifications of Social Communication, such as Journalism, Advertising, Multimedia, Radio and TV, Digital Media and Public Relations.

Learn more about Social Communication.

Press office

The press office is a concept in the communication area, which consists of a tool responsible for establishing the relationship between the client and the media. It involves areas such as advertising, public relations, journalism and advertising.

Advice and Consulting

Even though they are similar functions, there are differences in the activities of consultancy and consultancy, and the biggest one is in the form of service provision.

The consultancy performs a diagnosis of the company's situation, where it is possible to identify possible failures or improvements and indicate alternatives to the entrepreneur to solve a given problem. The consultancy proposes ready-made solutions for these identified flaws and improvements. It works as a second step after consulting.

legal advice

In the legal field, assistance is a kind of advice and assistance in matters relating to the Law of individuals, companies, institutions and government bodies.

In Brazil, legal advice can only be provided exclusively by a lawyer, duly registered with the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), as written in Law No. 8.906, of July 4, 1994.

Accounting advice

Accounting advice is the work developed by a professional or a team in the area of Accounting, which consists of analyzing and interpreting all the facts of a company's routine, daily.

This professional obtains access to relevant information that allows him to provide more efficient advice, not only from the part accounting, as well as fiscal, social security and labor, thus helping to improve the health, especially financial, of the company.

know more about Accounting.

Sports consultancy

In the sports area, assistance consists of assistance in the practice of physical exercises, such as weight training, running, walking, among others, provided by a Physical Education professional.

Sports advice seeks to guide and meet the needs that a person has when starting to practice exercises, both for their health or for the results they seek.

See too:

  • Consultancy
  • Audit

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