Meaning of Gazebo (What it is, Concept and Definition)

gazebo it is a English masculine noun meaning terrace or gazebo. It is an expression often used in Brazil to nominate the small terraces built on the outside of the houses.

The gazebo is a construction that is integrated into the garden of a residence, the city, the countryside, the beach, farms, etc. Usually a gazebo has a cover but the sides are open.

The gazebo is an external room, which is very well decorated, can be used for various purposes, including rest, reading, meditation, meeting friends and family, etc.

The gazebos are built in the most diverse materials, styles and formats. They are usually integrated into nature with various plants around them. Some are built in wood with a pergola on the ceiling. Most of them have no walls and some are protected by glass and gardens. There are also articulated gazebos, which are easier to assemble and disassemble.

Some gazebos are similar to the old gazebos that were built in parks and city squares.

Currently the white tents that are used to expand the covered area in some receptions, such as birthdays and weddings etc. are being called gazebos.

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