Meaning of Hippie (What it is, Concept and Definition)

hippie is a masculine noun that describes a cultural movement that emerged in the 60s had great popularity. Furthermore, hippie it also serves to describe an individual who follows this movement.

The word hippie derives from the adjective hip, which indicates a person or thing that is sophisticated, cool, informed.

The movement hippie emerged in the 60s of the 20th century, mainly in New York and California. It later spread to England and then to other western countries.

You hippies they had a very particular style, not seeming to care much about their physical appearance, and that's why they were classified by other people as individuals with poor presentation and manner of dress. They dressed informally, in a folkloric style, with colorful clothes, tiaras, pearls, headbands, etc.

You hippies they had the phrase "peace and love" as their motto and they were very liberal in the sexual sphere, because they believed that a repressed sexuality caused a relentless thirst for success and various manifestations of violence. They rejected many values ​​instituted at their time and sought spontaneity and different expressions of love.

The culture hippie they indicated a very peaceful mentality and way of living, and they believed that they could improve the world through non-violent behavior. Many hippies they also consumed and encouraged the consumption of drugs, because they made it possible to experience altered states of consciousness.

Usually the hippies they were young people who came from wealthy families, and had a very critical view of the world, contesting a consumer society. They had a high sense of fraternity, dividing their possessions and living in communities, with most hippies having neither work nor fixed abode.

In the musical context, the hippies they listened to psychedelic rock and often joined in large festivals and concerts, such as the Woodstock one, which was first organized in 1969. Despite this, the first major musical event was the 1967 Monterey festival, which gave rise to Summer of Love (Summer of Love), a social phenomenon that brought together thousands of people that was also known as the Revolution Hippie.

In a figurative sense, often the word hippie is used to describe a person who is liberal or does not accept values ​​that are accepted by the majority of society. Ex: He is a hippie and therefore he will never accept our rules.

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