Meaning of Homeric (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Homeric is an adjective that refers or belongs to the Greek poet Homer, to your works, or to your style: “Homeric poems”, “Homeric times”, “Homeric period”.

Homer was the poet of epics "The Iliad" and "Odyssey", must have lived between the IX and VIII centuries a. Ç. Several cities vie for the honor of having been the place of his birth, Smyrna, Rhodes, Chios, Argos, Ithaca, Pilos and Athens. All claim this honor as a sign of the historical importance of their works.

Concretely, little is known about Homer and the environment in which he would have lived, around the 12th and 8th centuries BC. C., the called Homeric period. The “Iliad” and the “Odyssey” for a long time were the fountainheads of Western culture, as the qualities of epic heroes came to serve as a standard of behavior.

Homeric, figuratively, is an expression used as a reference to some heroic, grandiose, epic fact. When we want to refer to great deeds we use the expression Homeric feats, Homeric facts, Homeric events.

Homeric Period

The Homeric Period is one of the periods of political history in Ancient Greece, which is divided into four periods: Pre-Homeric Period (20th century BC). Ç. to XII a. C.), Homeric Period (12th century a. Ç. to VIII a. C.), Archaic Period (8th century a. Ç. to VI a. C.) and the Classic Period (5th century a. Ç. to IV a. Ç.).

The Homeric Period it is generically referred to as heroic or Homeric times. The importance of the name stemmed from the fact that the scant information that survived the period referred to the legendary deeds of heroes and gods. And the only data of the time were counted in Homero's epic poems (The Iliad and Odyssey), which were only written in the seventh century, by the Athenian statesman Pisistrato (605-527 a. Ç.).

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