Definition of Animal Science (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Zootechnics is the science that is dedicated to the study of the creation, production and management of domestic animals economically useful.

The main objective of zootechnics is to develop resources for greater productivity and profitability of products derived from animals, such as meat, milk, eggs etc, taking into account the increase in production and profit without neglecting the welfare of the animals.

Animal husbandry always takes into account the efficient exploitation of agricultural resources. The field of action involves genetic research, artificial breeding of domestic, wild and aquatic animals, as well as plant, native and exotic species, the improvement of animal breeds, disease control, nutrition and nutrition, development of specific technologies, techniques and products for the creation of animals.

The professional who specializes in Animal Science is called zootechnician (or zootechnician). Also part of the zootechnician's qualifications are administration, economics, trade and agricultural planning, and environmental sustainability.

The Veterinary Medicine course has many disciplines in common with the Animal Science course, as both are linked to the animal world. However, Veterinary Medicine is focused on animal health, from surgery to clinical analysis.

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