Definition of body dysmorphia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Body dysmorphia (or Image Distortion Syndrome) is a psychological disorder that makes the individual trouble deeply with "imaginary or trivial defects" of your body.

Also known as Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) or dysmorphophobia, this disorder is characterized by a person's obsession with their appearance.

Due to delusional thoughts that there are several physical defects in their body, the individual with body dysmorphia feels constantly dissatisfied and insecure with their image.

Body dysmorphia mainly affects the individual's self-esteem, causing them to suffer negative consequences when trying to establish social or professional relationships.

For people with body dysmorphia, for example, a small scar on the face is seen as a “huge crack”, making him look for fancy alternatives to try to solve his "defects".

BDD typically develops during adolescence and, if left untreated, can continue throughout adulthood. Approximately 2.5% of the world population suffers from different levels of body dysmorphia.

A person with body dysmorphia can look in the mirror and always think they are obese, even though they are extremely underweight. This is an example of how BDD can end up developing other diseases such as anorexia and the bulimia, for example.

Also know the meaning of Anorexia and of the bulimia.

Among men, body dysmorphia can lead to muscle dysmorphic disorder (vigorexia), making them spend hours in gyms in search of having more and more defined muscles.

In general, people with body dysmorphia have some symptoms in common, such as the constant irritability, difficulty relating, excessive shyness, sadness, bad mood and dissatisfaction constants.

Treatment for Body Dysmorphia

Body dysmorphia can cause depression and suicidal thoughts, as it is very important to identify the disorder early and seek appropriate treatment.

In this type of disorder, the most used treatment is the behavioral and cognitive psychotherapy, which must be accompanied by a qualified professional.

In some cases, patients can also take antidepressant medications that help control obsessive thoughts. Obviously, medications should only be consumed after the direct guidance and prescription of a physician specialized in the subject.

See also: O meaning of the Ideal Body and the Real Body.

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