Meaning of Brainless (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Acephalus is a term attributed to a being who suffers from acephaly, that is, who does not have a head or the part that corresponds to it.

Usually, it is a term attributed to the individual who has a congenital malformation that causes the total or partial absence of the head. This is a rare condition where the fetus does not form its head and heart, depending on a twin to survive.

In this sense, it can also be understood in certain situations where the head cannot be distinguished from the rest of the body.

Also in the area of ​​medicine, the concept of no brain is distinguished from the concept of anencephalon. Anencephaly is understood as the condition of the fetus that has a partial absence of the brain or skullcap, which causes the malformation of the neural tube.

The anencephalic baby has a much shorter life expectancy compared to the one with complete skull formation.

The term no-brainer can still designate, in a figurative sense, something that is devoid of command, authority or control.

Example: “As of January, the project will be a no-brainer”.

Still in the figurative sense, the term no-brainer can characterize someone who is unintelligent and who is ignorant.

Example: "Beto looks like he's a no-brainer because he can't understand this matter".

The term has a Greek origin, where the The, means "without" and the term kephalon, means “head”, that is, “headless”.

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It can be replaced by synonyms as uncontrolled, disoriented, clumsy, nonsensical, stupid, ignorant, stupid, among others.

In literature, on the other hand, the term acephalous is related to the verse that, as it does not have the first syllable, has its start with a short syllable.

In the musical area, the term no-brainer appears as one of the three types of initial rhythms of a composition. The no-brainer rhythm is determined by the music that starts with a pause, that is, when the music starts with a setback. It is also called headless rhythm.

See also the meaning of Fetal develop.

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