Definition of Klebsiella pneumoniae (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Klebsiella pneumoniae It is a species of bacterium airless (encapsulated), non-mobile that is shaped like a rod, it is the most famous of the class of Klebsiella, being classified in the family of enterobacteria.

It is responsible for the cause of pneumonia but it can also cause urinary infections, being very common to find this type of bacteria in wounds and hospital infections.

Klebsiella pneumoniae it is also known as a superbug, because it has undergone a genetic mutation that has made it resistant to various types of antibiotics. This bacteria can be found in water, soil, vegetables, fruits, cereals and feces.

This microorganism can cause pneumonia, but its presence is more common in hospital infections, in patients with weakened immune systems.

One of the simplest and most effective forms of prevention is to wash your hands properly, and alcohol is recommended to disinfect them.

Urinary infections are common during pregnancy, some of which are caused by klebsiella pneumoniae.


The main infections by this bacteria are caused when there is an entry into the body through the consumption of unwashed vegetables or contaminated water. It can also occur during a hospital stay. This bacterium was first identified in the United States in 2000.


The main symptoms occur when this bacteria invades the lungs causing: inflammation, bleeding of lung tissues, cough, high fever, weakness, respiratory problems, headache, chills, chest pain and dizziness. In the case of Klebsiella pneumoniae manifests as a urinary tract infection, bladder pain is one of the most common symptoms. Infections caused by this bacteria can spread, potentially causing the patient's death.


As it is a resistant bacterium, its treatment is not very easy, and it involves the use of medication, in this case antibiotics such as aminoglycosides and cephalosporins. As treatment is not easy, prevention plays a very important role.

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