Meaning of Black Sheep (What it is, Concept and Definition)

black sheep is a popular expression used to represent the peculiarity of a person who is different from others, that is, that is outside the standards considered normal by their social group.

Generally, "black sheep" is used in a pejorative sense, as someone who is different, but from a point of view negative, as it does not fit the standards accepted by the society in which he lives, either because he has an immoral behavior or unethical.

It is very common to use the expression "black sheep of the family", when the behavior and personality of a certain family member do not match the values ​​imposed by their family.

In this case, this person is often frowned upon by family members, as they are considered an individual known for taking morally wrong and wrong attitudes, compared to the prevailing values ​​in that group familiar.

Some people consider this expression to be wrong, as it is also used to designate individuals with personalities strong, those who want to dare and be different from others, an action that cannot be interpreted as something negative.

Currently, being considered a black sheep can also be a compliment, as it means that the person has attitude, is daring and is not afraid of adventures. Obviously, in this case the “black sheep” is not known for having immoral or unethical behavior, but rather for having a remarkable personality.

Origin of the expression "Black Sheep"

Most sheep are white and pale, but sometimes there are genetic mutations responsible for causing them to be born with a black coat, standing out from the others.

It is precisely from this disparity that the expression arose. According to the stories of shepherds, generally the sheep that was born black was the one that did not accompany the other animals, it was more difficult to take care of and treat it.

Even though he took such good care of everyone, the pastor often couldn't prevent her from becoming different, so they called her the “black sheep”.

Therefore, shepherds and farmers always preferred white sheep, because white wool could be dyed and the animal had a higher market value.

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